Family isn’t an important thing. It’s everything!

About The Hite Farm Corn Maze


Dream Big and Work Hard

As a third generation farming family, dreaming big and working hard is our motto. During the craziness and uncertainty that the year 2020 brought, we wanted to provide our family, friends and community a place to escape … even for just a few hours. From there, Hite Farms Corn Maze was born.

We were humbled and amazed by the support we received our opening year. Our corn maze gave us the opportunity to meet new people from many different cultures and walks of life. It gave us the opportunity to share stories about ‘life on the farm’. In return, we heard many tales from our new ‘city slickers’ friends.

At the end of our opening year, it was an easy decision to make 2020 the first of many years! We looked forward to adding additional ‘fun at the farm’ activities and cutting new corn mazes. But most of all, we looked forward to seeing everyone again!

We hope that evey one is as excited to come and share our farm as we are to share it with you!

Stay Safe!!

Jim, Lori, Alex and Tanner Hite